
專訪Patrick W. Serruys教授

作者:許茂怡、張致媛 來源:中國醫學論壇報今日循環 日期:2015-03-23


關鍵字:  CIT2015 | 海外專家訪談 

  Patrick W. Serruys教授



  過去幾年中國在介入心髒病學領域的進展讓我歎服,例如隨機臨床試驗產生了高質量數據、原創科學研究與診療技術影響世界。我認為未來幾年中國在該領域的發展將是爆發式的,令人難以想象。作為Euro Intervention的姐妹刊,現在我們有了Asia Intervention,中國介入心髒病學將會吸引更多國際關注。

  The first time I came to CIT was around 2002, when I made live demonstrations in FuwaiHospital. There were not many patients then and only simple treatments were carried out, such as stenting. Around 2009, I stopped doing live demonstrations because the treatments were of high quality and there were so many young people being able to handle difficult procedures.

  CIT attracts hundreds of cardiologists from all over the world every year. I think one reason is that China was not really open to the world outside before. Furthermore, Dr. Runlin Gao, the father of interventional cardiology in China, has been making great effort in promoting this filed in China. After I came to this country, I realized that the technology and the number of patients were very phenomenal. The approaches of treatment in China, which are mainly decided by the patients themselves, differ a lot from that in western countries, where everything follows the guideline. I am very curious to see the long-term follow-up outcomes of these patients undertaking PCI.

  During the last few years, I am amazed by the progress of interventional cardiology in this country, such as the high quality of data generated from clinical trials, the originality of science and techniques of international impact. I think in the coming years, China’ s development in this field will be explosive, which are just out of my imagination.

  Now we have the Asia Intervention journal, parallel to the Euro Intervention, which once again attracts the world's attention to the intervention cardiology in China.




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