
專訪Roxana Mehran教授

作者:許茂怡、張致媛 來源:中國醫學論壇報今日循環 日期:2015-03-23


關鍵字:  CIT2015 | 海外專家訪談 

  Roxana Mehran教授

  這是我第8次參加CIT。對我來說CIT已經成為不容錯過的會議,一是因為其精彩的學術內容,二是因為每年同道們都相聚在此共議學術。我們知道,中國介入心髒病領域飛速發展,人們辛勤工作,開展具備高質量數據的試驗。許多中國原創研究正在影響世界,例如China PEACE研究和BRIGHT研究。



  This is my 8th time attending CIT. It is absolutely a must for me to come to this meeting, because of its incredible scientific content, as well as the fact that my colleagues are gathering here every year. We know that China is highly progressive in interventional cardiology. People are working hard, doing excellent trials with data of good quality. There are so many studies of international influence from China now, such as the China PEACE study and the BRIGHT study.

  CIT is the top meeting in China, or even in the Asia Pacific area, if not the world, because of its tremendous number of attendees, great interest in educating the younger generation and demonstration of huge improvements inpatient care. I am sure that it will attract more and more international attention, as when you miss the CIT, you missed a lot.

  The organizers are concerned about including enough teaching and infrastructure about clinical research in this meeting. I am expecting this years’ CIT to continue the tradition of education and to promote research both in China and around the world. Except these, I am particularly interested in hearing from China about BRS and TAVR.




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