
William Wijns教授詮釋C. I. T.

作者: 張致媛 采寫 來源:中國醫學論壇報今日循環 日期:2015-03-23

         Cooperation, Innovation and Transition are the new interpretation of CIT. What I got from my prior participation in CIT is the networking. That is what the C comes into place.

關鍵字:  CIT2015 | 海外專家訪談 

  William Wijns教授

  William Wijns教授:



  因此,我非常喜歡對C. I. T.這3個字母的詮釋。

  Cooperation, Innovation and Transition are the new interpretation of CIT. What I got from my prior participation in CIT is the networking. That is what the C comes into place. Actually it is after my first visit here to CIT that I started cooperation with a colleague working here on the same trials.

  What impressed me is the speed of progression. I see a good balance between increasing the capacity and innovation. CIT has more doctors being trained, doing daily clinical practice with a lot of experience because large numbers and also many advanced complex cases that is one part of the meeting help doctors become better and better in delivering interventional care. And at the same time the meeting has a lot of innovations. I like the balance between the two here.

  There is enormous need for education and for building capacity to treat all these patients. So CIT is trying to achieve that. But at the same time, it has a very strong innovation component, which is where the T comes into place because that is the transform. Therefore, I really love the meaning of the initials, C.I.T..




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