

作者:張雅芝,曹廣慧 來源:急診界 日期:2017-08-14


Neuron-Specific Enolase Predicts Poor Outcome After Cardiac Arrest and Targeted Temperature Management: A Multicenter Study on 1,053 Patients



Outcome prediction after cardiac arrest is important to decide on continuation or withdrawal of intensive care. Neuron-specific enolase is an easily available, observer-independent prognostic biomarker. Recent studies have yielded conflicting results on its prognostic value after targeted temperature management.


Design, Setting, and Patients

We analyzed neuron-specific enolase serum concentrations 3 days after nontraumatic in-hospital cardiac arrest and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and outcome of patients from five hospitals in Germany, Austria, and Italy. Patients were treated at 33°C for 24 hours. Cerebral Performance Category was evaluated upon ICU discharge. We performed case reviews of good outcome patients with neuron-specific enolase greater than 90 μg/L and poor outcome patients with neuron-specific enolase less than or equal to 17 μg/L (upper limit of normal).


Measurements and Main Results

A neuron-specific enolase serum concentration greater than 90 μg/L predicted Cerebral Performance Category 4–5 with a positive predictive value of 99%, false positive rate of 0.5%, and a sensitivity of 48%. All three patients with neuron-specific enolase greater than 90 μg/L and Cerebral Performance Category 1–2 had confounders for neuron-specific enolase elevation. An neuron-specific enolase serum concentration less than or equal to 17 μg/L excluded Cerebral Performance Category 4–5 with a negative predictive value of 92%. The majority of 14 patients with neuron-specific enolase less than or equal to 17 μg/L who died had a cause of death other than hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. Specificity and sensitivity for prediction of poor outcome were independent of age, sex, and initial rhythm but higher for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest than for in-hospital cardiac arrest patients.

測量和主要結果:神經元特異性烯醇化酶血清濃度大於90μg / L預測大腦功能分類4 – 5級,陽性預測值為99%,假陽性率為0.5%,敏感度為48%。3例神經元特異性烯醇化酶大於90μg且腦功能分類1~2級的患者均有神經元特異性烯醇化酶升高的混雜因素。神經元特異性烯醇化酶血清濃度小於或等於17μg/L,排除腦功能4~5級的陰性預測值為92%。14例神經元特異性烯醇化酶低於或等於17μg/L死亡的患者中,其死因並非缺氧缺血性腦病,而是另有其他原因。預測預後不良的特異性和敏感性與年齡、性別和初始水平無關,但與院內心髒驟停患者相比,院外心髒驟停更高。


High neuron-specific enolase serum concentrations reliably predicted poor outcome at ICU discharge. Prediction accuracy differed and was better for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest than for in-hospital cardiac arrest patients. Our “in-the-field” data indicate 90 μg/L as a threshold associated with almost no false positives at acceptable sensitivity. Confounders of neuron-specific enolase elevation should be actively considered: neuron-specific enolase–producing tumors, acute brain diseases, and hemolysis. We strongly recommend routine hemolysis quantification. Neuron-specific enolase serum concentrations less than or equal to 17 μg/L argue against hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy incompatible with reawakening.







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