

作者:組委會 來源:醫學論壇網 日期:2017-11-06


關鍵字:  自噬 | 肝病 | 感染 





        一、 日程安排

        主辦單位: 首都醫科大學附屬北京佑安醫院,北京市肝病研究所(Capital Medical University, YouAnHospital, Beijing Institute of Hepatology)

        會議主席 Chairs: 陳德喜 Dexi Chen,殷曉鳴(Xiao-Ming Yin )

        November 8 全天注冊registration

        November 9

        8:00-11:30 Morning session (上午會議)

        Moderators (主持人):

        Dexi Chen(陳德喜), Capital Medical University, YouAnHospital, Beijing Institute of Hepatology (首都醫科大學附屬北京佑安醫院,北京市肝病研究所)

        James Ou, University of Southern California, USA

        8:00-8:15 Ni Li (李寧)


        Opening Remarks


        The Frontier of Autophagy Research-1(自噬研究前沿-1)

        8:15-9: 00 John Lemasters

        University of South Carolina, USA

        Mitophagy: types, initiators and role in mitochondrial quality control

        (線粒體自噬: 類型, 啟動機製, 及在線粒體質控中的作用)

        Theme 1. Role of Autophagy in Hepatic Homeostasis


        9:05-9:50 Dexi Chen (陳德喜)

        Capital Medical University, YouAnHospital, Beijing Institute of Hepatology(首都醫科大學附屬北京佑安醫院,北京市肝病研究所)

        Autophagy and the liver diseases


        9:55-10:40 Wen-Xing Ding (丁文興)

        University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas, USA

        TFEB-mediated lysosome biogenesis in acute-on-chronic alcohol-induced liver injury


        10:45-11:30 Wei An (安威)


        Mitophagy and liver regeneration


        11:30-1:30 Lunch Break

        1:30-5:00 Afternoon session (下午會議)

        Moderators (主持人):

        Xiao-Ming Yin (殷曉鳴), Indiana University School of Medicine

        Feng Ren (任鋒), Capital Medical University, YouAnHospital, Beijing Institute of Hepatology (首都醫科大學附屬北京佑安醫院,北京市肝病研究所)

        The Frontier of Autophagy Research-2(自噬研究前沿-2)

        1:30-2:15 Li Yu (俞立)


        Mechanism of autophagic lysosome reformation


        Theme 2. Role of Autophagy in Liver Tumorigenesis


        2:20-3:05 Masaaki Komatsu

        Niigata University, Japan

        Autophagy-specific substrates, p62 and NBR1 serve as drive gene products in hepatocellular carcinoma

        (自噬特異性底物p62 和NBR1是肝細胞癌的驅動性基因產物)

        3:10-3:55 Huiguo Ding (丁慧國)

        Capital Medical University, YouAnHospital, Beijing Institute of Hepatology (首都醫科大學附屬北京佑安醫院,北京市肝病研究所)

        Hepatic stellar cells affect the autophagy of hepatocellular carcinoma cells by H2S and its molecular mechanism


        4:00-4:45 James Ou

        University of Southern California, USA

        Autophagy and Hepatocarcinogenesis


        4:45-5:00 End of day discussion

        November 10

        8:00-11:30 Morning session (上午會議)

        Moderators (主持人):

        John Lemasters, University of South Carolina, USA

        Huiguo Ding (丁慧國), Capital Medical University, YouAnHospital, Beijing Institute of Hepatology (首都醫科大學附屬北京佑安醫院,北京市肝病研究所)

        The Frontier of Autophagy Research-3(自噬研究前沿-3)

        8:15-9: 00 Eeva-LissaEskelina

        University of Helsinki, Finland

        Dissecting phagophore assembly site using 3D electron microscopy


        Theme 3. Role of Autophagy in Hepatic Viral Infection


        9:05-9:50 Zhengdong Zhao (趙振東)


        HCV and autophagy


        9:55-10:40 Aleem Siddiqui

        University of California at San Diego, USA

        Mitochondrial dynamics, mitophagy and innate immunity in viral hepatitis


        10:45-11:30 Ying Shi (石英)

        Capital Medical University, YouAnHospital, Beijing Institute of Hepatology (首都醫科大學附屬北京佑安醫院,北京市肝病研究所)

        Apotentialstrategy to inhibit HBV replication through reducing hepatocytic autophagy


        11:30-1:30 LunchBreak

        1:30-5:00 Afternoon session (下午會議)

        Moderators (主持人):

        Wen-Xing Ding (丁文興), University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas, USA

        Ying Shi (石英), Capital Medical University, YouAnHospital, Beijing Institute of Hepatology (首都醫科大學附屬北京佑安醫院,北京市肝病研究所)

        The Frontier of Autophagy Research-4(自噬研究前沿-4)

        1:30-2:15 Xiao-Ming Yin (殷曉鳴)

        Indiana University School of Medicine, USA

        The homeostatic role of autophagy in preventing liver injury


        Theme 4. Role of Autophagy in Liver Injury


        2:20-3:05 Feng Ren (任鋒)

        Capital Medical University, YouAnHospital, Beijing Institute of Hepatology (首都醫科大學附屬北京佑安醫院,北京市肝病研究所)

        The Critical role of autophagy in the pathogenesis of liver failure and its molecular regulatory mechanisms


        3:10-3:55 Yu Li (李於)


        Finding a target for Berbering in the liver


        4:00-4:45 Xiuhui Li (李秀慧)

        Capital Medical University, YouAnHostpical, Beijing Institute of Hepatology (首都醫科大學附屬北京佑安醫院,北京市肝病研究所)

        Role of autophagy in the prevention and treatment of acute liver injury by Chinese Medicine


        4:50-5:00 DexiChen(陳德喜)

        Capital Medical University, YouAnHostpical, Beijing Institute of Hepatology (首都醫科大學附屬北京佑安醫院,北京市肝病研究所)

        Closing Remarks


        二、 會議時間、地點:

        中國北京 2017年11月9-10日(11月8日全天報到)

        三、 收費標準:


        四、 報名方式:


        郵 編:100043

        聯 係 人:曲倩 010-53326280 13146467734 也是微信號





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