
美國暴發麻疹疫情 疫苗安全性引發關注

作者:煦穎 編譯 來源:醫學論壇網 日期:2015-02-09


關鍵字: 美國 | 麻疹 | | 疫苗 | 安全性






在20世紀50年代,在美國每年大約300-400萬人感染麻疹病毒,大約48000人住院, 400-500人死於該病毒。在15歲之前,幾乎所有孩子均感染麻疹,每年大約4000人發展麻疹相關性腦炎。

Are ongoing concerns about vaccine safety to blame for the measles epidemic?

In 2000, measles was declared eliminated in the US. But last year saw a record number of measles cases since - 644 over 27 US states. This year is unlikely to be any better, with 102 cases reported so far. In this spotlight, we look at whether ongoing concerns surrounding vaccination safety are behind the measles epidemic.

According to the CDC, the MMR vaccine is 93-97% effective at preventing measles.Measles is a highly contagious respiratory disease caused by infection with the morbillivirus. Onset of the disease usually begins with a fever, cough, inflamed eyes, runny nose and sore throat, before a red, blotchy rash appears all over the body.

Common complications of the virus include ear infections and diarrhea, while more severe complications include pneumonia - the most common cause of measles-related death in children, and swelling of the brain, known as encephalitis, which can cause convulsions, deafness and brain damage.

Measles first became a "nationally notifiable" disease - a condition in which health care providers had to report all diagnosed cases - in the US in 1912. Over the following decade, there were around 6,000 measles-related deaths in the country each year.

In the 1950s, around 3-4 million people in the US became infected with measles annually, with around 48,000 hospitalizations and 400-500 deaths from the virus each year. Almost all children contracted measles by the age of 15, and around 4,000 people developed measles-related encephalitis each year.




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