藥物對cAMP水平的作用,主要通過激活cAMP(EPAC)和蛋白激酶A(PKA)信號通路進行的。 2015年3月在《Trends in pharmacological sciences》(藥理學趨勢)雜誌發表的文章指出,近期以cAMP為基礎的治療方向已經開始轉向EPAC亞型的特異性調控(EPAC1和EPAC2),其能夠作為一種更有針對性的治療方法。例如,EPAC2選擇性激動劑可以從促進胰腺β細胞的胰島素分泌,EPAC1選擇性激動劑在血管炎症治療方麵是有用效果的。同時,EPAC1和EPAC2拮抗劑都可用於
2015年3月在《Trends in pharmacological sciences》(藥理學趨勢)雜誌發表的文章指出,近期以cAMP為基礎的治療方向已經開始轉向EPAC亞型的特異性調控(EPAC1和EPAC2),其能夠作為一種更有針對性的治療方法。例如,EPAC2選擇性激動劑可以從促進胰腺β細胞的胰島素分泌,EPAC1選擇性激動劑在血管炎症治療方麵是有用效果的。同時,EPAC1和EPAC2拮抗劑都可用於治療心髒衰竭。該文章提出了設計EPAC選擇性激動劑或拮抗劑的方法,目前的策略主要是開發具有異構體選擇性的、對EPAC1和EPAC2有活性的小分子調節劑。
The future of EPAC-targeted therapies: agonism versus antagonism.
Parnell E1, Palmer TM2, Yarwood SJ3.
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Pharmaceutical manipulation of cAMP levels exerts beneficial effects through the regulation of the exchange protein activated by cAMP (EPAC) and protein kinase A (PKA) signalling routes. Recent attention has turned to the specific regulation of EPAC isoforms (EPAC1 and EPAC2) as a more targeted approach to cAMP-based therapies. For example, EPAC2-selective agonists could promote insulin secretion from pancreatic β cells, whereas EPAC1-selective agonists may be useful in the treatment of vascular inflammation. By contrast, EPAC1 and EPAC2 antagonists could both be useful in the treatment of heart failure. Here we discuss whether the best way forward is to design EPAC-selective agonists or antagonists and the current strategies being used to develop isoform-selective, small-molecule regulators of EPAC1 and EPAC2 activity.
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