

作者:煦穎 編譯 來源:醫學論壇網 日期:2015-04-30

         隨著人類遺傳和基因組研究進展,對於心血管疾病相關的遺傳變異鑒定也有了新的進展,但致病機製仍不清楚。最近的研究結果表明,血管疾病CVD發生和發展的表觀遺傳機製,可能與DNA甲基化和組蛋白修飾有關。2015年4月發表於《Trends in pharmacological sciences》(藥理學趨勢)雜誌的一篇文章介紹了相關內容。

        隨著人類遺傳和基因組研究進展,對於心血管疾病相關的遺傳變異鑒定也有了新的進展,但致病機製仍不清楚。最近的研究結果表明,血管疾病CVD發生和發展的表觀遺傳機製,可能與DNA甲基化和組蛋白修飾有關。2015年4月發表於《Trends in pharmacological sciences》(藥理學趨勢)雜誌的一篇文章介紹了相關內容。


        Trends Pharmacol Sci. 2015 Apr;36(4):226-235. doi: 10.1016/j.tips.2015.02.005. Epub 2015 Mar 7.

        Epigenetic-related therapeutic challenges in cardiovascular disease.

        Schiano C1, Vietri MT2, Grimaldi V3, Picascia A4, De Pascale MR4, Napoli C5.

        Author information


        Progress in human genetic and genomic research has led to the identification of genetic variants associated with specific cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), but the pathogenic mechanisms remain unclear. Recent studies have analyzed the involvement of epigenetic mechanisms such as DNA methylation and histone modifications in the development and progression of CVD. Preliminary work has investigated the correlations between DNA methylation, histone modifications, and RNA-based mechanisms with CVDs including atherosclerosis, heart failure (HF), myocardial infarction (MI), and cardiac hypertrophy. Remarkably, both in utero programming and postnatal hypercholesterolemia may affect the epigenetic signature in the human cardiovascular system, thereby providing novel early epigenetic-related pharmacological insights. Interestingly, some dietary compounds, including polyphenols, cocoa, and folic acid, can modulate DNA methylation status, whereas statins may promote epigenetic-based control in CVD prevention through histone modifications. We review recent findings on the epigenetic control of cardiovascular system and new challenges for therapeutic strategies in CVDs.




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