
Interleukin-13 promotes expression of Alix to compromise renal tubular epithelial barrier function

作者:Chen Xu, Guangdong Sun, Jie Yang, Qianmei Sun and Zhaohui Tong 來源:醫學論壇網 日期:2017-12-12

The epithelial barrier dysfunction has been recognized in a number of diseases, such as allergic asthma (Post et al., 2013),allergic rhinitis (Liu et al., 2012), food allergy (Liu et al., 2013).In kidney, a filtration barrier consists of endothelial cells

關鍵字: barrier | function | | biological | transport | | epithelial | cells | | kidney | | renal | tubules

Theepithelialbarrierdysfunctionhas been recognized in a number of diseases, such as allergic asthma (Post et al., 2013),allergic rhinitis (Liu et al., 2012), food allergy (Liu et al., 2013).Inkidney, a filtration barrier consists of endothelialcells, basement membrane, and epithelial cells called podocytes.Failure to maintain the filtration barrier leads to a number of kidney disorders, such as massive proteinuria and nephrosis(Peti-Peterdi and Sipos, 2010). The pathogenesis of barrier dysfunction is not fully understood.

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