

作者:Marta Tonello,et al 翻譯:湖北省中醫院熊麗桂 來源:中國風濕病公眾論壇 日期:2017-08-25

         前沿進展 | 僅有低滴度抗Ro60陽性的孕婦發生胎兒心髒傳導阻滯風險低

        據推測,先天性心髒阻滯是由母體的抗Ro/SSA 52 kd, p200,Ro/SSA 60 kd, La/SSB核蛋白通過胎盤傳送而引起的自身抗體調節紊亂所致。本研究調查獨立的Ro52/SSA,p200,Ro60/SSA和抗La/SSB抗體陽性在孕婦中的臨床意義。163個Ro52/SSA,p200,Ro60/SSA或抗La/SSB抗體陽性的女性被納入,進行前瞻性的研究。Ro52/SSA,p200,Ro60/SSA和抗La/SSB通過ELISA進行化驗。25個女性出現了單個抗體陽性(15.3%),138個人出現了多樣抗體陽性(84.7%)。24個出現了心髒傳導阻滯,139個出現了良好的結局。單個抗Ro60抗體陽性出現心髒阻滯的發病率較低於平均抗體滴度(p<0.0001)的其他組顯著增高(p<0.046)。通過這個大型研究的結果,提示臨床不必對單個R060/SSA陽性母親的胎兒進行嚴格的超聲監測。

        附原文:Congenitalheart block (CHB) is an autoantibody mediated disorder presumably caused byplacental transmission of maternal autoantibodies to Ro/SSA 52 kd, p200, Ro/SSA60 kd, La/SSB ribonucleoproteins.This study investigated the clinicalsignificance of isolated anti-Ro/SSA 52 kd,anti-p200, anti-Ro/SSA 60 kd, andanti-La/SSB antibodiesin positive pregnant patients.One hundred sixtythree pregnantwomen positive to anti-Ro/SSA 52 kd and/or anti-Ro/SSA 60 kd and/or anti-La/SSBantibodies were prospectively enrolled in the study. Anti-Ro52, anti-Ro60,anti-p200, and anti-La antibodies were assayed using home-made ELISA assays.Isolated antibody positivity was found in 25 women (15.3%), while multiple antibodypositivity in 138 (84.7%). Twenty-four developed CHB, and the 139 had afavorable pregnancy outcome.The prevalence of isolated anti-Ro/SSA 60 kd antibodieswas significantly higher (p < 0.046) as the prevalence of lower meanantibody titers (p < 0.0001) in the later group. Confirmation of theseresults by large-scale studies could lead clinicians to recommend lessstringent fetal echocardiography monitoring in women with isolated anti-Ro/SSA60 kd antibodies.

        引自:MartaTonello1 et al.Low titer, isolated anti Ro/SSA 60 kd antibodies is correlated withpositive pregnancy outcomes in women at risk of congenital heart block.Clin Rheumatol.2017 May;36(5):1155-1160.




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